
How To Remove Stickiness From Rubber

When yous've owned a camera for a while, wear-and-tear comes into play. One of the many things that happen when cameras are stored away for a long time, is that the safe starts to degrade.

While there aren't many ways to recover condom that has started to degrade, there are ways to keep the rubber from degrading as well chop-chop in the showtime place. Advertisements

Preserving Safety On Cameras

Rubber starts degrading as soon as it'due south made. Knowing this, rubber and camera manufacturers do their best to ensure that the rubber parts concluding for many years by adding various chemic additives to give rubber diverse desirable properties.

There are besides steps that you should take to ensure that you take good intendance of your equipment for the rubber to last a long time.

What Yous Should Exercise To Preserve Rubber Parts:

  • Proceed the surface of the condom clean. Clean off mitt-oils, solvents, debris and other items from the rubber as soon as possible, and before your store your camera or accessories for long periods.
  • Continue condom at low temperatures, with depression humidity (cameras similar to be stored beneath 65%RH).
  • Continue rubber in a space with skillful ventilation, and where harmful vapours don't build up.
  • Utilize your photographic camera often so that the rubber parts get stretched and used. This ensures that the chemic additives stay within the rubber textile, and do not separate from it.

What Yous Should Avoid Doing To Preserve Rubber Parts:

  • Do not use solvents to clean safe. Solvents like isopropyl alcohol, thinners, etc could damage prophylactic.
  • Do not expose the rubber to UV lite for extended periods… For example, UV light from daylight and fluorescent lamps.
  • Exercise not expose rubber parts to loftier humidity and temperatures. Avert RH (Relative Humidity) values over 65%.
  • Practise non expose rubber to chemicals, acidic fumes, polluting gases like Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide and other volatile gases that are emitted from plastics and rubbers equally they decompose.

Which Parts Of A Camera Take Prophylactic That Can Degrade?

Cameras and other systems have many rubber parts both inside them and outside. It becomes important to take steps to preserve these rubber parts for your equipment to have a long usable life. Let's separate these parts into rubber on the camera, and rubber on the lens.

Rubber Parts On The Photographic camera

Cameras have rubber on their grips, eyepieces, some cameras have their metal surfaces coated in sparse rubber for added grip. The thin rubber blanket oft becomes sticky when it degrades. Cameras and lenses as well have rubber and plastic washers, gaskets, covers for where jacks and ports are covered confronting the elements, and more. It's important that these parts don't dethrone.

Rubber Parts On The Lens

Lenses often accept the focus or zoom rings with safety on the grips to ensure that your fingers don't slip. These are the parts that normally first degrading with a white residue over them. Inside the lens, in that location are gaskets that keep moisture and grit out of the lens insides. Lens manufacturers business relationship for all of this when selecting the blazon of rubber to use for the gaskets, but it helps to maintain it well.

Condom on Accesssories and Storage Material

These are parts that come into contact with the camera and lens often, and they sometimes go out a residue. The condom on camera bags, the pluck-out-foam in hard cases, the grippy safe on the insides of camera straps, eyecups, cables that transfer data, the list goes on…

It'southward especially of import that your cameras are protected from degrading rubber and plastic when kept in long-term storage. In the past, I've noticed that the foam in hard cases tends to degenerate, and since these cases are air-tight there is nowhere for the volatile compounds and gases to get. These gases can fog upward lenses, and crusade corrosion on the outside of your photographic camera.


Why Does Condom Degrade Over Time?

Rubber is made of either organic or synthetic raw materials. Organic rubber is fabricated from latex, the sap from the prophylactic tree. Inorganic rubber is made from petroleum byproducts.

Both forms of rubber start off as gluey substances and tin can offset degrading every bit before long as they're made. To forbid this, various steps are taken, starting with vulcanizing of latex, and the addition of diverse chemicals such as stabilizers.


And so, Why use Rubber in the Beginning Place if it is Going to Degrade?

Rubber offers backdrop that are non easily constitute in nature. It is pliable, it is an insulator, it tin exist used to create water-tight seals that prevent wet from inbound into sensitive equipment, and it does actually accept a reasonably long working lifespan.

Safe parts tin can easily be produced, and are non too expensive unless the rubber needs to accept some actually unique properties. Rubber has also been a part of our civilizations for many centuries and is an integral part of our mod life. For these reasons, information technology'south no surprise that cameras as well have rubber parts. It's up to utilize to accept skillful intendance of our equipment.

What Are The Main Causes Of Condom Degradation?

Time is probably the biggest factor in rubber degradation, but there are other factors that could accelerate rubber degradation. There are many types of rubber and each ane has a slightly different set of factors that causes information technology to dethrone. Hither are some of the mutual reasons why rubber degradation is accelerated.

  • Lack of use
  • Heat (keep safe as cool equally possible)
  • Exposure to UV light
  • Humidity (keep it below 65% RH)
  • Exposure to sure chemicals such as certain Oxidizers, Acids, Oils, and Alkalis.
  • Transfer of chemicals from hands to rubber, which can dethrone it; like DEET and Sunscreen to condom
  • Certain bacteria (Run across References Below)

Why Does Rubber Get-go Becoming White?

Close up old tires with whitened surface and cracks
Close up former tires with whitened surfaces and cracks

Natural rubber starts degrading subsequently a while, with white material forming on the outside. Unremarkably, the prophylactic starts becoming white due to a crystallization of the rubber's compounding components and is called Safe Blooming.

These components come up out of the majority of the rubber and crystallize on the surface when they're not used often. The crystals take on a white grade that could be powdery, or ingrained in the safety itself.

The prophylactic ends upwardly feeling powdery, hard, and whiteish-grey in color. This is sometimes called rubber dry rot just is not really a procedure of rotting.

This can be prevented by regular utilize. As the rubber flexes, it keeps these compounds from rise to the surface.

How Can I Remove The White Powdery Surface From Rubber?

At that place are many posts on the internet almost how to remove the residue, including the use of isopropyl alcohol and other organic and inorganic solvents. This is non advisable.

As you already know, you lot should non exist exposing safe to chemicals if you want it to final. Information technology may remove the white layer temporarily, but in the long term, you can await that the rubber volition outset to dethrone even more quickly if you employ chemicals.

Instead, prevention is better than cure. Apply your camera regularly, and with regular use, the safe will flex, and the components will be less probable to go out the main body rubber, creating that white layer on pinnacle.

Typically, to remove this white residue that has already formed on the surface of the rubber grip, or on the lens rings, yous would a) buff off the crystallized remainder, b) clean it with h2o and nothing more, and c) finally utilize a conditioner that is recommended for that detail blazon of safety.

Now, since Canon, Sony, Nikon, etc. don't really sell lens/camera safety reconditioning formulas, it makes sense to merely utilise your equipment carefully and help information technology to last a long fourth dimension through careful and mindful utilize.

What Should Yous Practice With Rubber Parts That Are Starting To Become Gluey?

Start by treating them better immediately. Make sure that you keep safe abroad from hot and humid areas. Store it in humidity and temperature-controlled areas.

If the prophylactic is only just starting to become pasty, you can give it a lite dusting of talcum pulverisation to reduce the tackiness. Prevention is better than cure, and so ensure that you don't permit hand lotions, DEET, or sunscreen go on the rubber parts of the camera.

Stickiness is the second way in which safety tends to deteriorate and is also called Rubber Reversion. While the commencement way sees the rubber becoming hard because of environmental reasons, this second way is from rubber returning to its original state.

How To Stop Rubber Parts On Electronics From Becoming Sticky

  • Store the electronics carefully, abroad from heat and humidity – as mentioned earlier. This will ensure that your photographic camera equipment does non commencement condign sticky because of prophylactic reversion.
  • Exercise non use DEET or Sunscreen on your hands while using a photographic camera. This is a major reason why safety on cameras becomes sticky over time. Even game controllers become sticky for this reason.
  • Certain types of prophylactic are decumbent to becoming gummy and even losing adhesion to the surface it is applied to. This often happens in tropical climates. I have observed this happen on a GoPro Hero2, Zoom H4n Sound Recorder, and other smaller electronic devices. If this happens, you may take to just scrape it off.

How Do You Make clean Off Gummy Rubber From a Photographic camera?

If the layer of rubber covering a device is thin merely very glutinous, the layer can be removed by applying Isopropyl Alcohol with a fabric, and rubbing information technology until all the rubber is removed.

Other sources claim that moistened Baking Soda is too useful to remove this thin layer of condom. I would not recommend using either of these techniques with any serious photography equipment as information technology is quite likely to enter into the camera or lens and damage it permanently.

It may exist safer to scrape the safe off instead. In the case of my GoPro Hero ii, I scraped off the layer with the smoothen end of a tabular array knife or spoon.

Why Do Rubber And Plastic Become Pasty Over Time?

As safe reverts to its original course, it becomes sticky. Reversion is a useful property of rubber, and it tin can exist used to recycle rubber equally some of the compound components are ejected from the rubber, and it goes back into its original form.

In Decision

To conclude, take care of your camera … use it often. Call back to shop information technology carefully when information technology's not beingness used, in low RH and low temperature. Wipe it down before storing, and if you lot tin, remove chemicals from your hands when handling the camera throughout the day.

All these steps volition help the prophylactic on your camera body to have a long, productive life, and you can avert condom deposition – Blooming/Dry out Rot and Reversion.

Cleaning the camera. Regular maintenance is important.
Cleaning the camera. Regular maintenance is important.

FAQ About Rubber Care & Maintenance

Does Isopropyl Alcohol Remove The Stickiness From Rubber?

The stickiness is unremarkably not on top of the rubber but is really the condom itself that is reverting to its original country.

Isopropyl Alcohol (also called rubbing alcohol) is a solvent. It will speed up the degradation process in safety. If you are trying to remove a thin glaze of rubber that has get viscid, a little alcohol on a slice of cloth will help to remove it, but on larger blocks of prophylactic, Isopropyl Alcohol is simply a temporary solution that will just speed up the reversion process.

What Is The Best Way To Preserve Rubber?

Shop rubber in low temperatures, and depression relative humidity (RH). Utilise your camera frequently, and ensure that chemicals do non come in contact with the rubber parts of your camera.

My Camera Is Already Mucilaginous. Can I Brand The Rubber Hard Again?

You can reduce the stickiness – a little – by applying a sparse coat of talcum powder to the affected areas while ensuring that none of it goes into the mechanical parts of the camera.

Even so, this is not a solution. It simply reduces the stickiness of the condom and does non stop the process. Ultimately, the solution is to supersede the sticky office with newer rubber and to have good intendance of it.


  • Thermal-Oxidative Deposition of Rubber
  • Care of Objects Made from Rubber and Plastic – Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) Notes 15/one
  • A Guide to Rubber Degradation & Condom Deterioration Causes
  • Stickiness: The Insulting Reality of Rubber Reversion
  • Rubber and Dry Rot: Not Really Rot, Merely Rotten Luck
  • How To Clean Sticky Condom
  • Glossary of Safety and Sealing Terms
  • Microbial Degradation of Rubber: Actinobacteria
  • Degradation of Natural Rubber past Fungi imperfecti
  • Degradation of Polymers
  • Agreement the Link Between Ozone and Rubber Deterioration

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Published: October 16, 2022 | Last Updated: Nov 25, 2022



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